opiperReverend Dr. O. Everett Piper

WHEREAS, ministers united for ministerial development (MUMD) has lost one, by the will of God who parted the sky, and removed from our presence the beautiful and Godly life of the Reverend Doctor O. Everett Piper, a man who was the beloved Founder of Ministers United for Ministerial Development, a man who was crowned with multiple noble deeds and one who led a useful life.

WHEREAS, he was so deeply interested in the welfare and in the life of MUMD, and in the progress of the Christian church, that he did not deprive us of his pious council, but set forth for those of us that remain, a most worthy example to follow and appreciate for having the pleasure to work with such a great person of prophetical preaching power, that Dr. O. Everett Piper possessed, and we were made the richer to have the blessings of God to share in this same era as he.

WHEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that our President, The Reverend Lester J. Gillespie, Sr., do hereby recommend to this body, Ministers United for Ministerial Development, that we this body would strive to emulate his admirable traits and in humble submission to the will of God, and the directions of our beloved President, Pastor Gillespie, we do resolve to be known as: O. E. Piper’s Ministers United for Ministerial Development Conference.